Stock Up On Gas, Beware The $4 Charge

I have began to wonder if I will ever see gas priced at $2.50...just once more in my lifetime. Shit, I remember when I thought $2.50 was too expensive.

More great news has come about, stating that we could see gas prices as high as $4 per gallon by Memorial Day -- worst case scenario being $4.50 per gallon. If this does not make you want to take a 400 mile road trip, I don' t know what does.

Although it's Hump Day, I figured this was as good a time as any, to provide you with a healthy tip for the week: Siphon as much Stock up on all of the gas you can -- maybe some 30 gallon containers, if plausible?

A quick tip: Gas can go stale, so check out how long you should continue to store it.

America's Funniest Home Videos Is The Best Show On TV

Seriously, is there anything better than witnessing someone make an ass of themselves? (This is a rhetorical question, by the way). There is nothing better.

America's Funniest Home Videos has been on the air for about 23 years now, and for good reason. If I am ever in a bad mood, I can always rely on some guy taking a shot to the nuts, therefore putting a smile on my face.

Yes, I know, I haven't mentioned the animal videos yet. What would AFV be without a cat getting scared, a dog escaping it's cage/kennel, or squirrels....well, being squirrels? Again, this is a rhetorical question, as AFV would not have lasted this long without the entertainment of these creatures.

With the above being said, cats and dogs usually provide some real gems. Head past the break for videos dedicated to both.

NOTE: I will no longer be putting "Tip Of The Week" before each post providing tips. It will still be a label, but it gets a bit redundant in the title.

Killer Whale VS Shark...Fight!

You're walking along the beach, you're enjoying the scenery, then....POW! There is a killer whale attacking a shark. Get the cameras out, this is going to be a good one!

Alright, the video isn't all that great...until the dog comes into play. If I can find me a dog, that one day is willing to fend off a shark, I have found my new best friend. Granted, those morons should not even be letting the pooch anywhere near the shark, it's still cool to see.

Without further ado, I give you the match you have all been waiting for: Shamu VS Mini Jaws. DING. DING.

Tip Of The Week: Prepare For The Winter

Those of us who do not have the luxury to live in Florida, Texas, Arizona, Southern California, etc. during the winter, have some preparations to make.

Here is my checklist (no particular order, just the order they pop into my head) to survive the dreaded cold and snow that inevitably awaits us:

  1. Shovel -- some jackass always plows you in...oh, and you can use this to scoop off the driveway
  2. Boots -- gotta trudge through that snow
  3. Soup -- fight a cold, and THE cold
  4. Long Underwear -- men, keep the boys warm; women, keep the vajayjay warm
  5. Hat and Gloves -- I think you get it
  6. Stationary Bike -- need something to work off all of the food...without having to go outside
  7. Girlfriend or Boyfriend -- make plenty of whoopee (sex, for the non-educated) burn calories, keep warm, and have plenty of fun
  8. Space Heater -- if you tend to be cheap, like me, stick this bad boy in your room and never go into any other part of your house
  9. Hundreds of Fire Pictures -- there is a good chance this won't work, but you could tape hundreds of pictures of, well, fire on your wall...this could make you feel warm, mentally
  10. Move to One of the States I Mentioned Above

FedEx Guy Goes Ace Ventura On Computer Monitor

Fragile. This is the first word that comes to mind when I think of delivering a computer monitor. An object of this nature needs to be handled with care, obviously.

I am sure there is more to the situation, but I don't think this FedEx guy got the above memo. When I say there is probably more to the situation, something had to of pissed this guy off...BIG TIME! Someone doesn't just toss a computer monitor over a gate for no reason.

That said, I want to be clear that I am not backing up Mr. FedEx. I am just stating that something set him off, causing him to pull an Ace Ventura on this guy's package (yes, poor choice of words).