The Hangover Treatment, Subway Style

One of the most important things, after a successful night of being a belligerent drunk, is the food you eat the day after. You need to find that right balance of: Not too filling, yet extremely satisfying meal.

Typically, a solid bowl of cereal will do the trick, but today I figured I would do a little experimenting. Ok, maybe I shouldn't say experimenting, as I did not make the sub -- Subway had a big hand in this.

My sub/sandwich of choice, you ask? The Western Egg & Cheese. Good protein (egg whites), with a tiny kick (peppers and Chipotle Southwest sauce). Any headache or mid-late morning munchies should be cured with this tasty treat.

I may still be a bit tipsy, but I know what I am talking about here...I think. Hell, just give it a try and let me know how it works out for you. Oh, and by the way, this is currently Subway's $5 footlong of the month.


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