Give Someone The BIG F**K YOU!

How often are you talking to someone, and the thought -- I really don't like this person -- comes creeping through your mind? I don't care how nice and calm of a person you are, this happens at least once a week, whether you want to admit it or not.

So why not look them dead in the eyes, ask them to shut their yapper for a second, then give them a solid middle finger? Because it's immature, unethical, ill-mannered...what? Yes, actually, it is not the proper thing to do.

It's the brutal truth that this is clearly the wrong path to choose for your "hate this person" predicament. However, I do feel we should be granted at least one pass per week, because, let's face it, some people need a middle finger from their opposing figure.

Oh, one more thing: Feel free say F**K YOU, give a smile, then pull your middle finger from between their eyes.


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